Yes, I'm going to jump right on in with my first birthday party! If you would like to find out about the first year of my life then please visit
my old blog which is the story of my life from 6 weeks old until just before my first birthday.
My birthday was actually on the 29th April but that was a Wednesday, so we had a party on the Sunday afterwards. I invited 13 friends and their humans - we all met up for a runaround in a field..

This is just a few of my friends and their humans. We were going to play rounders but the grass was a bit too long and we kept losing the balls so we just ran round and played together. Afterwards we all went back to my house for some nibbles and refreshments. Mummy had made a big birthday cake for me and some special doggie treats. There was food and drinks for all the humans too.

We all had great fun and were very well behaved.

My bestest friends, Shelby & Maja, (you can just see them in the middle of the very top photo) gave me a lovely khaki/camouflage jacket.. I won't be able to wear it until the winter, but it's going to be really cosy for those snowy walks! This is my friend Bear who tried it on so I could see what it looked like!

Anyway, I'm struggling a bit with this blogger blog, all the photos keep going to the top of the page and I have to cut and paste the html with mummy's help... so I think I'm going to have to just end with one last photograph of another of my friends, Dusty.. just before he went home with his mum!

I shall try to get back into blogging routine.. and will hopefully get more used to this as we go on.. do leave a comment to let me know that you've found my new spot! Now I've done this then maybe my wordpress blog will fix itself and I'll be able to use that again.. now that would be confusing wouldn't it!
Well, mummy has been reading about blogger and if you would like to see all the party photos then if you click this next photo it will take you to my party album!!
Edit: Well actually it won't... it goes to Picasaweb and we haven't used Picasa for a very long time, but you never know, we might get it moved... so watch this space!