Today was the day!! I've been looking forward to it for ages and ages. We haven't really been doing a lot of serious training lately because of moving house, but we always really enjoy doing the Paws in the Park walk at Lulworth Castle and weren't going to miss it this year - it was our 4th year doing it and last year I raised the most sponsorship money so I was a VIP (very important pup).
Usually we get there really early and meet up with my pal Barney but we were a bit later this year and when we got there he'd already started the walk - he and Bonnie the BT were checking out the route. I was a bit sad to have missed him but knew that we'd be seeing him at the end of the walk.
There were lots of other dogs there already, so we got ourselves signed in, posed for the group photo and then off we went. The weather was almost perfect for walking - as you know, we're suffering a drought at the moment so it's been raining most days and we were a bit worried that it might be yet another rainy day.
I was eager to get going on the trail.
Hurry up mum and dad, do keep up with me.
This is me with Ghwyny a very pretty young border collie. We had a great time chasing each other and running back and forth.
All the running around made me very hot so when I came across this big puddle I just couldn't resist it and had to lie down and cool my tummy.
Here we are heading off towards the woods.I remembered this spot from last year so I jumped on in and had a swim. Ghwyny didn't want to get her fur wet so she just watched.
Hmmm which way do you think we go?
More water... so time for another paddle.
By the time we were almost back at the Castle we'd made up time and could see the lead group up ahead but we didn't manage to catch them up until we got back to the Weldmar tent. Barney was looking extremely handsome, as usual.
Here are the group of regulars, Barney and Bonnie with her two friends.
We'd all been given a paw print dog tag as well as a lovely goody bag full of tasty things so we couldn't wait to try some! Bonnie was very good at standing up to ask for treats.
On our way home we went to The Castle Inn with Barney and his mum and dad for a drink and something to eat. We went there last year too.
This is me outside the pub with dad having a little sit down in the sunshine.
By the time we got home all the mud had dried on me so I had to go in my paddling pool and have it washed off. That kind of water isn't half as fun as the muddy puddle kind of water.
Well, there were far too many photos to put in the blog, so here are some more in a little slideshow.