So here goes. We have to start with the Rules, very boring, but that's the way it is.
1. You must proudly display the graphic created by Nayomee @tattooed_mummy. Its presence in the award celebration is apparently crucial to the 'memetastic' process she is creating here. (Just like Hamish and Annie Bella, I haven't the foggiest what Memetastic means.. answers on a postcard please).

2. You must list 5 things about yourself, and 4 of them MUST be bold-faced lies.
3. You must pass this award on to 4 bloggers that you know.
Here goes.
1. I do not like tripe. This is a packet of frozen tripe... bleaghh.. it's horrid.

3. My daddy is a helicopter pilot. Doesn't he look handsome in his yellow outfit standing next to the funny looking helicopter that's got a great big boil on its face!

4. I have a white hair on my chest.

5. I once ate a whole chocolate easter egg and had to go to the vets to have my stomach pumped out.

Anyway, that's my five statements... can you guess which one is the truth?
Now, I'm going to pass this challenge on to:
Shawnee the Shepherd - she goes on absolutely fabulous walks and has done lots of adventurous things that I can only dream about!
Jazzy da Cat - I know she spends a lot of time lying in front of a radiator but she also has a secret life..
Bad Andy - Because he's a great Bad Cat!!
Zack Rabbit - needs no introduction, we've all seen his fabulous cooking show.
Wiggle - world famous Wiggle and his sister Sofy